This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputsThis e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome".

            A 52 yr old male resident of Mothkur, farmer by occupation came to the OPD with chief complaints of shortness of breath , and swelling on both legs and there was decreased urine output .

History of Present illness : 

     Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back . Then he complained of bilateral pedal edema which was gradually progressive pitting type . He also complained of decreased urine output . This caused him great disstress and considerably decreased his apetite . He went to nearest hospital on 11 -07 -2021 where he finally diagnosed with CKD on MHD , Diabetic nephropathy and Hydrocoel . He underwent 5 sessions of  dialysis on  15-07-2021 , 17-07- 2021 , 19 -07-2021 , 21-07-2021 ; 23-07-2021 . 

5 days back patient came to casuality with swelling in legs ,chest pain and undergone 4 dialysis. 


  ●Patient was known case of diabetes mellitus type 2  from past 10 years.

● Patient  was also known case of Hypertension from past 4 years 

● Pateint was undergone  surgery 5 years back due to swelling of scrotum, occurs as a result of  fluid collected in thin sheath surrounding a testicle.

● Patient was known case of CKD on MHD 

● Not a known case of epilepsy ,TTS 


• Micturition abnormal 

• Decrease apetite 
• No adequate sleep 
• Mixed diet 
• No smoking addiction 
• Regular alcohol addiction 
• Bowel and bladder movements are irregular.  


● There is no case of such illness seen in her family members 
● There is no history of Hypertension and diabetes in the family . 


• Patient is undergoing drug therapy for diabetes and hypertension 
• He is taking insulin for daibetes since 9 years 
• Presently he is taking Nefidinol of 25mg for hypertension 
• No known allergy for drugs 


• Patient is consious coherent and cooperative 
• There is pedal edema 

• No cynosis  No clubbing and No lymphadenopathy. 

Vitals : 

 • Pulse rate - 98bpm 
•Blood pressure - 160/100 
• Respiratory rate - 8cpm 
• SpO2 at room air - 98% 
• Temperature -  Afebrile 


1. Cardiovascular system: 

• Thrills - No 
• Cardiac sounds - S1 and S2 heard 

2. Respiratory system: 

• Dyspnea - present 
• No wheezing
•  Position of trachea - central 
• Bilateral air entry + 
• Normal vesicular breath sounds - heard 

3. Abdomen : 

• Shape of abdomen - obese 
• No tenderness 
• No palpable mass 
• Liver and spleen are not palpable 

4. Central nervous system: 

• Patient is conscious 
• Speech - Normal 
• Sensory and motor reflexes - intact 
• No signs of meningeal irritation 


• Chronic kidney disease on maintenance hemodialysis . 
•Hypertension and Type 2 diabetes mellitus


 RFT : 
Urea : # 94mg/dl 
Creatinine : #3.0mg /dl 
Uric acid : 6.9mg / dl
Calcium : 9.6mg/dl 
Phosphorus: 4.3mg /dl 
Sodium : #135 mEq / L 
Pottasium : 3.5 mEq / L 
Chloride: 101 mEq/ L 

Fasting blood sugar : #193mg/dl 

Post lunch blood sugar : #219mg/dl 

Serum Iron : 71ug/dl 

Glycated haemoglobin: HbA1c- 7.1% 

Hemogram :

Haemoglobin : #9.8 gm/dl 
Total count : 8700 cells / cumm 
Neutrophils : 73%
Lymphocytes : #18% 
Eosinophils : 04% 
Monocytes : 05% 
Basophils : 00% 
PCV : #26.7vol% 
MCV : # 74.6 fl 
MCH : 27.4 pg 
MCHC : # 36.7 %
RBC count : 3. 58 millions / cumm 
Platelet count : 3.02 lakhs / cumm 

Smear : 

RBC - Microcytic hypochromic 
WBC - Within normal limit 
Platelets - Adequate 
Hemoparasites - No hemoparasties seen 
Impression - Microcytic hypochromic Anemia 


Ultra sound report form : 

Treatment : 

INJ. LASIX 40mg IV / BD 
INJ. ERYTHROPOIETIN 4000IU S/C once weekly 
Tab. SHELCAL 500mg PO / OD 
Tab. NODOSIS 550mg PO / BD 
Fluid restriction upto 1Lit / day 
Salt restriction <2gm / day 


1 . What is the sudden causeof renal failure ? If it is due to daibetes then when did it  actually started failing as patient was diabetic since 10 years  ? 

2. Why do most CKD cases have hypertension? 

3. Cant we early diagnosis CKD ? 


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